Package com.bytedesk.service.statistic
package com.bytedesk.service.statistic
Customer Service Statistics Package
Provides comprehensive statistical functionalities for the customer service system, including:
Key Features:
- Organization Statistics - Tracks and analyzes organizational metrics
- Workgroup Statistics - Monitors team performance and workload distribution
- Agent Statistics - Measures individual agent performance and efficiency
- Chatbot Statistics - Evaluates automated response effectiveness
This package implements various statistical algorithms and data processing methods to generate insights and reports for customer service operations.
- See Also:
ClassDescription客服对话统计数据: 组织、工作组、客服、机器人 可监控机器人的服务关键数据,包含解决率、评价满意度、服务转人工率、未知回答率、有效会话、当前生效知识等关键运营指标,可点击“详细指标”快速跳转至数据看板页面。